- Time Tracking PWA for my girlfriend with Svelte frontend and Pocketbase
- ❓REASON: It’s kinda hard to get the requirements down for this because of
how complicated hourly differentials are 😭
- Web frontend for Pincerhex, a
Hex-playing program by me and my friend Will
- written in 🦀🦀🦀 Rust 🦀🦀🦀 btw
- we won btw
- ❓REASON: I already got to show my boss at work and he got obliterated,
mission accomplished
- It’s still pretty ugly, though
- Markdown to LaTeX converter for my Resume (in 🦀🦀🦀 Rust 🦀🦀🦀 btw)
- ❓REASON: I think it’s pretty much complete, but also, I haven’t had to send
out resumes in a while
- Open Kattis Group Ranklist
with a few extra columns
- Show contributed score, and required individual score to climb the next
group rank
- ❓REASON: Also done, I’m just paranoid about deploying it in my home server
- Water Sort Puzzle Solver
- ❓REASON: I uninstalled the game, too addicting
Charles Ancheta
Computer Engineer